I-MS05 Wheel Drive Motor
Imodeli: MS05-MSE05
Ukususwa kusuka ku-260~820cc/r.
Isetshenziswa kabanzi emishinini yokushayela amasondo.
Ukushintshwa ngokuphelele kochungechunge lwe-Poclain MS ne-MSE Multipurpose Hydraulic Motors.
350Nm Permanent Electric Wheel Drive WED-003.5 with Gearbox
Inombolo Model: WED-003.5
I-Electric Wheel Drive ne-Permanent magnet Motor kanye no-gearbox wePlanethi.
I-torque elinganiselwe ephumayo engu-355 Nm Max.okukhiphayo 1568N.m.
Ibhuleki elijwayelekile lokupaka.
Ikhwalithi ye-OEM enewaranti Yonyaka owodwa.
325Nm Electric Wheel Drive WED-003 Electric Motor kanye Gearbox
Inombolo Model: WED-003
I-Electric Wheel Drive with Motor and Planetary gearbox.
I-torque elinganiselwe ephumayo engu-325 Nm Max.okukhiphayo 1100N.m.
Sebenza ne-BLDC Motors.
Ikhwalithi ye-OEM enewaranti Yonyaka owodwa.
I-MCR05A Shaft Drive Motor
Imodeli: MCR05A380 ~ MCR05A820
Kufakwe esikhundleni ngokuphelele i-Rexroth MCR-A series Hydraulic Motors.
Isakhiwo se-radial piston sedrayivu edidiyelwe yohlaka.
Ukususwa kusuka ku-380~820cc/r.
I-ANSI B92.1 kanye ne-DIN 5480 i-splined drive shaft.
Okwesistimu ye-loop evuliwe noma evaliwe.
Isetshenziselwa kakhulu izilayishi ze-Skid steer, imishini yezimayini, ama-Mini Excavators, njll. -
I-MS02 Wheel Drive Motor
Imodeli: MS02-MSE02
Ukususwa kusuka ku-172~398cc/r.
Okwesistimu ye-loop evuliwe noma evaliwe.
Isetshenziswa kabanzi emishinini yokushayela amasondo.
Ukushintshwa ngokuphelele kochungechunge lwe-Poclain MS ne-MSE Multipurpose Hydraulic Motors.
I-L kanye ne-K Frame Variable Motor KC45, i-Cartridge Mount
Inombolo yomthetho: WKC45
Ishintshaniswa ne-Danfoss KC45 Motor.
Isetshenziselwa i-Aerial Lift nezinye izinto zokushayela ngamasondo.
Uhlobo lwe-Cartridge olusebenza ne-Planetary Gearbox.
Ikhwalithi ye-OEM enewaranti Yonyaka owodwa.