Kubota K008 Final Drive
Part No. 69191-61290, RA011-61290, 69191-70200, RA121-70200, RA131-61290, RG138-61290.
Kubota K008 mini excavator Travel Motor.
Track Motor for Kubota K008.
Travel Device for Kubota excavator.
OEM Final Drive in Stock.
The best Final Drive supplier in China.
We make complete track drive unit for Kubota K008 Mini Excavator, with 2 speed motor and gearbox.
Weitai Kubota K008 Mini excavator travel device is in stock, we will deliver it to you with 3 working days.
For other Kubota final drives, track motors for Kubota mini to middle excavators, please contact our sales team.

Post time: Sep-06-2021